Walk-Thru Set-up

Grace Bible Fellowship Church 723 S. Providence Road, Wallingford, Pa., PA, United States

In order to prepare for the Christmas Walk-Thru, no events other than a modified Wed. night program are allowed in gym Mon-Sat Dec. 9-14. The Parking Lot will be closed Thursday morning thru Saturday night. The Fireplace Room will be closed all day Friday and Saturday.  NA and NA Childcare will still meet Friday night, […]

Board of Elders

Grace Bible Fellowship Church 723 S. Providence Road, Wallingford, Pa., PA, United States
Event Series Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Grace Bible Fellowship Church 723 S. Providence Road, Wallingford, Pa., PA, United States

Our group is open to women of all ages. We study various books of the Bible usually in 10 - 12 week sessions. We use a study book and sometimes video sessions as well. There is also a time for sharing prayer requests. Coffee, tea, and snacks are provided. The group meets every Wednesday at […]

Longest Night

Grace Bible Fellowship Church 723 S. Providence Road, Wallingford, Pa., PA, United States

Event Series Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Grace Bible Fellowship Church 723 S. Providence Road, Wallingford, Pa., PA, United States

Our group is open to women of all ages. We study various books of the Bible usually in 10 - 12 week sessions. We use a study book and sometimes video sessions as well. There is also a time for sharing prayer requests. Coffee, tea, and snacks are provided. The group meets every Wednesday at […]

To Schedule a new event please contact office@gracebfc.org