Hartzell/Biermaas Grace Group
Grace Bible Fellowship Church 723 S. Providence Road, Wallingford, Pa.Week of Events
Hartzell/Biermaas Grace Group
Hartzell/Biermaas Grace Group
Sharing, praying, and a brief time in God's Word each week. Some outside socials and ministry projects. If you are interested in joining the Hartzell/Biermaas grace group, reach out to Pastor Mark at mbickel@gracebfc.org or Rich Hartzell at richmhartzell@gmail.com.
ASL Class
JuAhn Church
JuAhn Sports
Basketball is the 1st and 3rd weeks of each month. NO SUNDAY SPORTS on 5th Sundays. For more information, contact Andrew Piasecki or office@gracebfc.org for general questions.
JuAhn Prayer Group
Women’s Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study
Our group is open to women of all ages. We study various books of the Bible usually in 10 - 12 week sessions. We use a study book and sometimes video sessions as well. There is also a time for sharing prayer requests. Coffee, tea, and snacks are provided. The group meets every Wednesday at […]
Theology Book Discussion Group
Prayer Meeting – Online
Prayer Meeting – Online
Join us online every Thursday night at 7:30 to pray for our country, community, and families. Online info: Meeting ID: 146-856-9578 Password: pray
JuAhn Prayer Group
Ladies Fellowship Circle
Ladies Fellowship Circle
Greetings Ladies! Bring your Joy and laughter to encourage one another . Thank you to ALL of you! Contact Cathe Kender for more info.
To Schedule a new event please contact office@gracebfc.org